Friday 25 January 2019

A day in the life of a 1 year old...

... our daily routine with Theo aged 1 year and 2 months.

If I had been a better blogger then this would of been maybe the 4th post about routines, but I'm not a good blogger so it isn't!! Maybe I could back track and have a think about what we were doing at 4 months, 8 months... etc but for now this is the first post about routines.

So as I've already said, Theo is 14 months old and has just recently changed his routine to just one nap a day (most days) and is becoming much better at sleeping at night. We've always had a pretty routine existence, I like it and it works for us. Remember, happy mum, happy baby. If you like routine then go for it, if you don't then don't... simple.

Do I think having a good routine has helped Theo with his night time sleeping? Maybe, I mean he's always been pretty rubbish at sleeping through but perhaps it would've been worse without a routine?! Who knows.

This blog post is a follow up to the series of stories I'm doing over on Instagram today (25th January 2019)where I'm documenting what we do at different points of the day. I'm filming those stories on a non work day for me, I have two of those a week, so this routine that I'm about to type up is for a non work day.


Couple of things first...

- If Theo wakes before 6am I TRY and feed him back to sleep.
- Theo is still breastfed twice a day, in the morning, before bed and if he wakes in the night.

  • 6:30-7:30 Theo wakes up. We breastfeed and then get him ready for the day with a nappy change and he gets dressed.
  • 7:30-8:00 Breakfast. We eat together and it usually consists of toast and cereal or just porridge. Maybe some fruit and a yogurt. 
  • 8:15-9:00 Mummy gets ready. If we're going swimming I only get dressed but if not then I'll shower and set Theo up on the bathroom floor with some toys whilst I have THE QUICKEST SHOWER KNOWN TO MAN!!! I then take my clothes/make up/hairbrush into Theo's room and he'll play whilst I get ready.
  • 9:00 Out we go. Normally for swimming or a group or if we're not doing either of those then we go to the park or the shops. I love getting out first thing. Firstly because it gets him nice and tired for an afternoon nap but also because if I left it till the afternoon I probably wouldn't bother. 
  • 10:00 Snack time. Theo will have a little snack at this time during groups or just after swimming. Usually a fruit bake bar or a fruit pouch, something easy to transport, and a drink of water.
  • 11:00 Groups finish. Any groups we go to are done by this time so we usually head to the shop, we've usually forgotten something in the Ocado shop, and then we head home.
  • 11:30 Theo's dinnertime (lunch). Usually something quick, a ready meal, a sandwich or left overs. He is so tired at this point as he has dropped his morning nap, food has to be quick and easy because if I'm not entertaining him he can get fussy at this point in the day.
  • 12:00-12:30 Naptime routine starts. Depending on how long dinner has taken, we go upstairs and start getting ready for bed. A nappy change, story and songs and then I leave the room for him to go to sleep by himself (with Ewan the Sheep signing his little tune). 
  • 12:30-(wakes up anytime between) 2:00-3:00. At this point I have a clean, put in washing, empty the dishwasher... any chores really before I eat my lunch and then have a bit of time to myself. 
  • 2:30 - 3:15 The average time he wakes up is 2:30pm. I check his nappy when he wakes but don't always change it and get him dressed. He has a drink of water and then we play in his room. I want to start doing a specific "activity" at this time such as painting or playdough but for now we just play with his toys.
  • 3:15 We come downstairs. Theo plays with his toys in the lounge/dining room and I prepare him an afternoon snack.
  • 3:30 Snacktime. He is always so hungry at this point in the day and he just eats and eats!!! He will have something like malt loaf, toast, hummus and pittas, cooked carrots or some fruit and perhaps a yogurt. 
  • 3:30-4:30 Fresh air. We usually try and get out again at this point to walk the dog. If the weather is too poor then we'll play again in his room. 
  • 4:30-5 The witching half an hour.... I'm so tired at this point of the day and he knows it. I try and just have a cuppa and watch him play downstairs. You all know how much I love Tipping Point and the last half an hour is the best bit!🤣
  • 5:00-5:30 Daddy is home. Neil gets home at some point after 5 and during this time we put in some tea to heat up (that we usually batch cooked on Sunday.)
  • 5:30-6:00 Teatime. I feel very lucky that most evenings we all get to sit down together to eat tea. I really love that part of the day.
  • 6:00-6:45 Bathtime and getting ready for bed. Neil looks after bathtime. He runs the bath whilst I get Theo ready and then once Theo is in the bath I usually tidy up from tea time and then wash my face and put my pjs on.
  • 6:45-7:00 Last bit of In the Night Garden. We try and get down for the start but it never happens and we just see Iggle Piggle NOT being in bed. Then Theo breastfeeds and once he's done I take him up to bed.
  • 7:00-7:15 Bedtime songs and stories. Theo still will not let Neil do this part, we keep trying but he's not having it and that's fine by me because I love this part of the day. We read a story together and sing a couple of songs and then I leave the room and he'll be asleep usually within 5-10 mins.
  • 7:15-7:30 Last tidy up. We both run around at this point hanging out washing, putting a load in and just a general tidy up before finally sitting on the sofa by 7:30-8 o clock with a VERY large glass of wine. 
  • 9:00 Bedtime. On Fridays and Saturdays we make the effort to stay awake until the dizzy heights on 10pm!!!! Lol!

So that's our usually non nursery day. They're busy days and when I type it out like that, it looks very structured, although it never feels regimented. Obviously sometimes lunch is half an hour late, same with tea. Naps will only last an hour and its a battle to get to 7.. who knows what the day will bring! But as long as I have some idea of what I would like to be doing at what ever point in the day then I feel better. 

Some days we'll be out all day and he'll just grab half and hour in his pushchair or car seat when he can and I like those days too!

Some people don't like routine but as I said at the beginning I do and I think Theo does. 

If you have any questions please ask or pop over to my Instagram @amysheartyhome and ask over there. 

See you soon,

Amy x

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